
Ecommerce for Craftsman Nepal


They are leading company in land of Himalayas to manufacture the finest handmade ancient cultural products. 

Craftsman Nepal
Assests, Human Assests,
Items, Showcase Items,
Client's Goal

Here, the client's goal is to incorporate wide range of products in a single ecommerce and take a complete control of it with a help of ecommerce software.

Our Contribution

We provided fully automated system with all of their feature included, which includes features like : Dashboard, Products, Orders, Inventory, Customers, Coupons, Contacts, All Orders, New Orders, Orders in Delivery, Completed Orders, Rejected Orders, Web Settings, Reports, Company Information, News letter and soon.

How it is helping them?

Now, craftsman nepal can have all their product online and customer can easily buy any product from ecommerce very easily.

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